Death Knight Tier for All Of Yourneeds

Players can also resemble Tier 2 Paladins (Judgement), with this set from TBC dungeons. No lookalike sets Death Knights can use. Sets:, Tier 3 gear was originally obtained by raiding original Naxxramas. Every item required additional zone-wide drops to convert into wearable armor. This is the only 9-piece set. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue.

Recommended Raiding Build

  • Tier 1 - All will serve or clawing shadows
  • Tier 2 - Unholy blight
  • Tier 3 - Utility row, the choice depends on what you need.
  • Tier 4 - Soul reaper
  • Tier 5 - spell eater or wraith walk depending on what you need (Defensives or Movement Speed).
  • Tier 6 - Unholy pact
  • Tier 7 - Army of the damned
  1. WoW DPS Rankings / Tier List - BfA 8.3. Last checked: January 14, 2021. Last updated: August 19, 2020. Unholy Death Knight. Windwalker Monk.
  2. Some classes use a recolor of other classes. For example, Alliance T9 for Death Knight, Paladin, Warrior are recolors of the same model. This tier set has sometimes been noted as being boring to look at and generic, but these pieces are not supposed to look like relics; they are rewards from an organized tournament.
  3. Originally, a death knight could only be created if the player previously had a level 55 on that realm but that requirement was removed in late 2014. Death knights are fallen heroes of the Alliance and the Horde, raised by the Lich King to serve as champions of the undead Scourge. They are able to fill the tank and damage dealer roles. The three death knight specializations are blood, frost.

Recommended Mythic+ Build

  • Tier 1 - All will serve
  • Tier 2 - Unholy blight or bursting sores for big pulls.
  • Tier 3 - Utility row, the choice depends on what you need.
  • Tier 4 - Soul reaper
  • Tier 5 - spell eater or wraith walk depending on what you need (Defensives or Movement Speed).
  • Tier 6 - Unholy pact
  • Tier 7 - Army of the damned

Death Knight Tier  For All Of Your Needs Guide

Boss specific recommendations and strategy:

Raid Bosses

Tier 1 (15)

All will serve is just straight up the highest damage talent in a patchwork fight. All will serve makes your raise dead summon an extra skeletal minion that fires arrows that also cleave from your main target so this will be your go-to talent choice.

Although, in some scenarios where you won't always have a 100% uptime on the boss, then clawing shadows can be picked instead.

Clawing shadows replaces scourge strike, converting it to 100% shadow damage and gives it a 30 yard range.

Tier 2 (25)

Unholy blight is a 45 second cooldown that applies virulent plague and an extra unholy disease that deals damage and stacks up to four times. These stacks increase the damage of your minions by 12% at max stacks, so when combined with the strong cooldowns unholy have (army of the dead, Apocalypse, etc.) it just becomes the strongest talent that unholy has in this row for single target.

In Mythic+, if you're dealing with large pulls, you want to swap out unholy blight for bursting sores.

Tier 3 (30)

The third talent row is a player choice/optional row. It provides you with different control and slows, so neither of them is going to have an impact on your DPS, it's all about what you need on the encounter.

Tier 4 (35)


Soul reaper is an execute that deals initial shadow damage and then after 5 seconds, if the target is below 35% health, it activates and deals a large amount of shadow damage. When it comes to raiding, an execute has always been a very powerful choice for the classes that have the option available.

Tier 5 (40)

The fourth row is another optional/fight dependent row where you would either go with spell eater if the fight has a lot of magic damage or if there is some sort of magic damage you need to soak. If that's not the case, you have the option to go with wraith walk for more mobility.

Tier 6 (45)

Unholy pact is currently the strongest single target and AoE option. Unholy pact creates a chain between you and your pet when you cast dark transformation that deals shadow damage to all enemies caught in the chain and increases your strength by 5%.

Tier 7 (50)

Your best choice here will be Army of the Damned. It’s currently the strongest option for single target and AoE. Army of the damned reduces the cooldown of apocalypse by 1 second and army of the dead by 5 seconds when you cast death coil.


Welcome to our World of Warcraft DPS Rankings updated for the current Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.3'Visions of N'zoth' and the latest Raid – Ny’alotha. We check this data every day and make sure thatitis accurate and up to date. The classes and specs here are ranked by their overall DPS performanceinPvE (Raids, Mythic+ Dungeons) at Level 120 for both Single Target and AoE situations. There are alsoHealer Rankings and TankRankings on our site, just in case you are interested. You can also check out our Shadowlands DPS Rankings.

DPS Rankings

The data shown here is backed by actual numbers from many reliable sources such as SimulationcraftandWarcraft Logs. By using the approach of combining numerous simulations and real logs of Top 1% (99thPercentile) of the very best players of each class and spec, we can measure the central tendency ofthisdata while taking statistical dispersion into the account to provide you with the most realisticchart.

Even though these Rankings are merely indicative of the highest potential DPS you can still use themtoassess your class/spec performance (like what good numbers can you expect) or to find out who arethebest Melee, Range & Caster DPS in WoW in this patch.

DPS Tier List

S (Top Tier)
Fire Mage
A (High Tier)
Destruction Warlock
Arms Warrior
B (Mid-High Tier)
Shadow Priest
Beast Mastery Hunter
Affliction Warlock
C (Mid Tier)
Demonology Warlock
Frost Death Knight

Death Knight Tier  For All Of Your Needs Mod

D (Mid-Low Tier)
Fury Warrior
Survival Hunter
Frost Mage
Marksmanship Hunter
Assassination Rogue
Feral Druid
Elemental Shaman
Havoc Demon Hunter
Balance Druid
Enhancement Shaman
Arcane Mage
Retribution Paladin
E (Low Tier)
Unholy Death Knight
Outlaw Rogue
Windwalker Monk
F (Bottom Tier)
Subtlety Rogue

Frequently Asked Questions

Death Knight Tier  For All Of Your Needs List

🏆 What is the Best DPS class in WoW right now?

You can judge for yourself by exploring our chart above. Generallyspeaking,if you are looking to maximize your damage output, the Top 5 specs would be a safechoice indeed. But please do not be discouraged if your class or spec of preferenceisranked lower at the moment - at the end of the day the most important thing iswhetheryou enjoy the playstyle or not.

🎯 How often does this Rating get updates?

We know perfectly well that outdated data is useless. That is why wecheck these numbers every single day to verify that it is up to date and then weupdateit the moment anything changes. You can see the dates of both events at the top ofthispage.

Death Knight Tier  For All Of Your Needs 2

🤔 Are these DPS Rankings based on Simcraft orLogs?

They are based on both. And even more than that. Our processinvolvesrunning thousands of simulations with Simulationcraft (an open-source tool thatmodelsclass mechanics to estimate damage-per-second performance in different situations)andalso using tools like Bloodmallet and Raidbots to research various gearcombinations.Then we compare our results to the data retrieved from actual in-game logs of thebestplayers of each class (for this purpose we look up global leaderboards on sites and WoWProgress). By combining both theoretical and statistical data weaim toprevent variance due to human factors (e.g. players underperforming) whilemaintaining aclose connection to realistic scenarios because many factors must be taken into theaccount. We also constantly monitor player communities like Icy Veins, Wowhead,Reddit,Method and official Blizzard World of Warcraft Forums to keep in touch with publicopinion so we can tell if our data is correct.

🙄 Are lower-ranked classes unviable?

Not at all. These rankings are meant to show the general trends butinactual in-game scenarios many other factors may chime in and the lowest-rankedclass/spec may end up being Top #1 DPS in raid/group and vice versa.

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